Subject: | Information on Vehicles Sitting Outside on Dealer Lots for Extended Periods of Timewith Hard Start or Crank/No Start Condition | |
Models: | 2009-2014 GM Cars and Trucks | |
Attention: | The Information in this bulletin applies only to unsold vehicles in dealer inventoryand does not apply to customer-owned vehicles that come in for service. DO NOT replacethe ECM for this condition. |
This bulletin has been revised to add the 2012-2014 model years. Please discard CorporateBulletin Number 09-06-04-015A.
Some service department personnel may experience a hard start or a crank/no startcondition with any of the above vehicles if they were delivered in the late spring/summer/earlyfall time period, and have remained in inventory for an extended period of time throughthe winter. This condition is more noticeable in regions of the country that experiencecold climates. It may be caused by the vehicle's fuel tank containing a summer-blendquantity of fuel in it that was more suitable to the warmer climate that existed whenit was delivered. This condition is known as a fuel blend/season mismatch.
In the U.S., summer-blend fuel is federally mandated for use in the June 1st to September15th time frame. Some states, California for example, have enacted their own seasonal-blendregulations that lengthen this time period. Canada has similar regulations for fuelblends that are adjusted seasonally and geographically. Summer-blend fuel has a different(lower) Reid vapor pressure (RVP) which contributes to it being more ecologicallyfriendly, by reducing the rate of evaporation. RVP is the standard used to measurethe vapor pressure of gasoline at 38°C (100°F).
Fuels with a greater RVP evaporate more easily than those with a lower RVP. The mainreason that summer-blend gasoline will not work well in the winter is due to its lowevaporation rate, which makes an engine difficult to start in cold ambient temperatures.This is the reason that the hard start, no/start condition appears to go away whenthe vehicle is brought inside the service garage and has had the opportunity to warmup to ambienttemperature. However, the condition will repeat itself once the vehicle has been placedback outside on the lot and has cooled back down to a cold ambient temperature.
If the above condition exhibits itself as explained, or is suspected because the vehiclehas been in inventory for an extended period of time, then refuel the vehicle withenough fresh gasoline to start and run.
In order to prevent further occurrences, do not fill the fuel tank until the vehicle is ready for the Final Inspection & Preparation as indicated in the Pre-Delivery Inspection Form just prior to delivery of the vehicle to the customer.
If another cause for the crank/no start condition is suspected, then refer to EngineCranks But Does Not Run in SI.
GM bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians,NOT a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform thesetechnicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or toprovide information that could assist in the proper service of avehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment,tools, safety instructions, and know-how to do a job properly andsafely. If a condition is described, DO NOT assume that thebulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will havethat condition. See your GM dealer for information on whetheryour vehicle may benefit from the information. | WE SUPPORT VOLUNTARY TECHNICIAN CERTIFICATION |
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